Our People
Board of Trustees

Bishop Andrew Hedge – Chair
Bishop Andrew was ordained as the 16th Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Waiapu in October 2014. Bishop Andrew has served the Anglican Church as Vicar of Cambridge, Waikato and Chaplain to King’s School, Auckland and also in a variety of governance roles over the past 15 years including Diocesan Standing Committees in Auckland and Waikato, and as a trustee for St Paul’s Collegiate School, Hamilton. Bishop Andrew is a member of several boards in the Diocese of Waiapu which focus on Mission and Ministry, Finance, Education and Social Service sectors of the Church.
Bishop Andrew is a volunteer Ambulance Officer, Chaplain and supporter of the youth programme with the Order of St John.

Dr Hirini Kaa – Trustee
The Venerable Dr Hirini Kaa, of Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu and Rongowhakaata, is currently the Archdeacon for Mātauranga for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa. Dr Kaa has worked as an academic and as part of the leadership team with the Faculty of Arts at the University of Auckland where he taught in history and theology. He has also worked for the social services sector, in research, and for his iwi. Since researching and presenting the historical documentary series The Prophets for Māori Television, he has gone on to become a significant media commentator on a range of critical topics. His book Te Hāhi Mihinare | The Māori Anglican Church has won a number of awards since publication including Co-winner of the W.H. Oliver Prize for Best Book, NZHA 2021, Co-winner of the 2021 Ernest Scott Prize, and was a finalist at the 2021 Ockham NZ Book Awards.

Reverend Jo Crosse – Trustee
Jo farms with her husband Hamish on their farm near Weber in Southern Hawke’s Bay. They have three adult children. Jo originally trained and worked as a registered nurse in New Zealand and the UK. Jo was ordained in 2005 and has a Bachelor of Theology. She has offered ministry locally in Weber, as HB Regional Youth Ministry Facilitator, and Children and Families Enabler for the Diocese and was vicar of the Parish of Southern Hawke’s Bay until 2022. Jo has served on numerous church and community committees including the Three Tikanga Youth Commission, Strandz Executive, and General Synod Standing Committee, Waiapu Standing Committee, St John Cadets, and COGS LDC for Tamatea/Tamaki Nui a Rua.

Russell Wills – Trustee
Russell is married with two adult sons. He trained in medicine at Otago University and completed paediatric and public health training the UK and Australia. Russell was National Paediatrician for Plunket and an academic at the Wellington School of Medicine before returning home to Hawke’s Bay 2001. Russell has led local and national work in child protection and family violence intervention, early identification of children with developmental and behavioural issues, well child-tamariki ora, community management of childhood illness and multidisciplinary assessment of children with complex developmental and behavioural issues. As Children’s Commissioner (2011-2016) Russell increased the public profile of the Office’s advocacy for children and published the Office’s first public reports on child poverty and the work of Child, Youth and Family (now Oranga Tamariki).
Russell currently works clinically in general and community paediatrics and is the HBDHB’s medical director of quality improvement and patient safety.

Chris Malcolm – Trustee
Chris has family roots in Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne although he grew up in Wellington and Horowhenua. He has long personal and family history in the Anglican church (in the Wellington, Auckland and Waiapu dioceses). Chris gained a Masters of Theology from Oxford in 2000. He also has qualifications in CBT, clinical supervision and a Master of Health Science. Since 2009 he has been a lecturer in health science (mainly in Addiction Studies and Mental Health) at EIT. Chris has a special interest in trauma-informed practice and also working effectively with Māori. This was also a theme in his theology studies. Chris lives in Taradale and is a parishioner at All Saints in Taradale.

Sarah Park – Independent Chair of Risk and Assurance Committee
Sarah Park has 20+ years international corporate finance and capital markets experience after a professional career with PwC in NZ and HSBC Investment Bank in London. During her executive career, Sarah held a wide variety of roles including advising on M&A and capital market transactions, managing family office investments and as an Equity Research Analyst. Sarah is an avid investor in early-stage companies and the co-founder of Even Capital, a Venture Capital fund focused 100% on investing in female entrepreneurs. Sarah is a Director of NZX/ASX listed Pacific Edge, Hawke’s Bay Airport, Orbis Diagnostics Limited and Annuitas Management Limited, and Deputy Chair of National Provident Fund. Sarah has a MA(Hons) in Economics from the University of Edinburgh and she earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) professional designation.
Senior Leadership Team

Rawhia Te Hau-Grant (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) – Kaihautū |
Rawhia began her role as Kaihautū CE with Anglican Care Waiapu in November 2024. She is a mother of 5 tamariki who brings considerable experience in teaching and learning, community engagement, change management, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and senior leadership. Rawhia previously worked at Te Kāhui Tika Tangata (The Human Rights Commision) where she was a pivotal part in guiding Te Kāhui Tika Tangata towards becoming a Tiriti- based organisation. Rawhia believes deeply in the importance of whanaungatanga (the ethic of relationships and care) fostered through shared experiences and a shared sense of connection and belonging.
Rawhia has a Master of Education (Auckland University), A Bachelor of Arts in Education (Victoria University of Wellington) and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching Secondary (Massey University)
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa – Let us keep close together, not wide apart

Joanne Morris – General Manager People & Culture |
Jo has been with Anglican Care Waiapu since 2013, leading the organisation in human resources, health & safety and quality functions including strategy, policy and operational. Jo has a passion for the not-for-profit sector and people are always at the heart of what she does. Jo has worked in senior leadership roles in various sectors, not-for-profit, engineering, manufacturing, and forestry and has strong operational and strategic experience along with management of HR, H&S and compliance. Joanne has a Diploma in Business Studies, Human Resource Management, and is a member of the Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRINZ).

Jules Morgan – Chief Financial Officer |
Jules is Chief Financial Officer in Anglican Care Waiapu, and is responsible for financial oversight, asset management, and financial and non-financial data analysis. From 2017, and prior to joining ACW in 2019, Jules worked with the Diocese of Waiapu’s shared services team as Financial Controller. Jules is a Chartered Accountant (CA ANZ) and has previously worked for Public Trust, PwC, and BDO with a strong focus on audit, financial analysis, and internal controls. Jules has a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration in Accountancy and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Geography from Victoria University of Wellington.

Sarah Mulcahy – General Manager Programme Design and Evaluation |
Sarah is GM Programme Design and Evaluation and champions the use of evidence to improve our practice and lead the design of new initiatives and programmes across the diocese of Waiapu. Sarah joined ACW in 2019, bringing a wealth of experience gained over her 35-year career within health and social care organisations. She has held senior management roles in New Zealand and the UK including Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, Royal NZ Plunket Trust and Health Hawke’s Bay PHO. Sarah is an NZ Registered Nurse, holds several postgraduate qualifications, and a Masters of Business Administration.

Joanne Hayes – General Manager Early Childhood Education |
Jo joined ACW in 2022 and is responsible for the practice and operational leadership of Waiapu Kids Early Childhood Education. Jo is passionate about improving outcomes for children through education and is invested in supporting teachers to be the best teachers they can be. She has had a varied career in teaching and educational leadership within the early childhood, primary and tertiary education sectors. Jo holds a PhD in Education, Master of Education (Early Years), Bachelor of Education and Diploma of Teaching (Primary). Her Doctoral and Masters research both focused on aspects of the transition to school and Jo has found satisfaction in using the findings of these research projects to inform teacher practice and organisational procedures in her workplaces.

Andrea Nichols – General Manager Community Services |
Andrea is the GM Community Services and is responsible for the operational leadership of our Family Services, Community Services, older people’s programmes and our Growing Through Grief programmes.
Andrea is a registered social worker and has a passion for supporting the wellbeing of tamariki, whānau and communities. Andrea comes to us from Oranga Tamariki where she has had a successful career in statutory child protection. Andrea has extensive operational and strategic experience and has worked in a range of roles including as a frontline practitioner, practice leader, management, project management and senior leadership positions. Andrea has over 30 years of experience working with children, young people and their whānau within both NGO and statutory settings. Andrea has served as a Director on the Social Work Registration Board since 2019.
Andrea and her partner recently moved to Hawkes Bay from Wellington although she has lived most of her life in Tamaki Makaurau. She has two adult children and two mokopuna. In her spare time Andrea enjoys being with her family, keeping fit by running, attending pilates, reading and listening to music.

Graeme Brock – Waiapu Engagement Lead |
Graeme is the Waiapu Engagement Lead and is passionate about seeing local parishes transform their communities through community development. Starting with ACW in 2019, he brings 30-plus years of leadership experience in the people-helping space and qualifications in youth work, professional coaching, and theology. He has special interests in leadership, the common good, and human flourishing. He is currently writing a book on leadership.